Welcome to LodeStar Learning

Makers of the LodeStar eLearning Authoring Tool

The LodeStar™ online learning authoring tool helps trainers and instructors create engaging and effective activities in support of their online courses. LodeStar works with any CMI5 and SCORM conformant learning management system such as Cornerstone, D2L BrightSpace, Prolaera, Moodle, and Blackboard.

Why Choose LodeStar

We believe LodeStar™ is the one of the world's easy eLearning authoring tools. Trainers and instructors install LodeStar on their desktop, choose from a wide variety of templates, fill in their content, and export to the web or to their online course.

Let us help you create effective and engaging learning experiences.

One software many templates

All of these solutions are provided as templates and are included in the authoring tool.


With ActivityMaker, an instructor or trainer can build responsive presentations (run on any device) with video, case studies, troubleshooting workflows, short answer questions, multiple choice, drag and drop, timelines, flashcards, and more.


With ARMaker, an instructor can take students on a walking tour, guided by a mobile phone and geolocations and content created by the instructor.


With CaseMaker, one can build responsive presentations (run on any device) with video, case studies, troubleshooting workflows, etc.  With CaseMaker, one can easily add assessment items that include short answer questions, multiple choice, drag and drop, timelines, flashcards, word problems, true and false, and more.


WebQuestMaker is based on the work of Bernie Dodge, PhD, Department of Educational Technology, San Diego State University. The WebQuestMaker template is a derivative of ActivityMaker. WebQuestMaker provides a starter template for building WebQuests. WebQuestMaker provides the basic skeleton of the WebQuest building blocks: Introduction, Task, Process, Links, Evaluation, Conclusion and Credits. Like all LodeStar templates, WebQuestMaker is built on HTML5.


LodeStar occasionally includes templates that are experimental in nature.

Free Trial

LodeStar™ Free Trial for Windows and Mac

LodeStar, an eLearning authoring tool, produces activities that can be imported* into the following learning management systems: Inspire, D2L Brightspace, Moodle, Blackboard, SCORM Cloud, Prolaera and other SCORM conformant systems.

*Import is supported through the IMS content packaging standard, which is part of the SCORM specification.

To evaluate LodeStar, select the platform:

LodeStar For Windows

Let's Do something awesome together

We believe in the power of design!

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our works

LodeStar has been used to create learning activities for every major learning management system by instructors and trainers from corporations, higher education, K12, and government agencies.

Colleagues Say

The LodeStar Community is an international community of higher ed instructors, K12 teachers, instructional designers, instructional technologists, informal educators, Open Educational Resource evangelists, and online learning enthusiasts. Swipe right for more testimonials.

Our Education, Nonprofit, and Corporate Pricing

LodeStar supports both a perpetual* license model and a subscription model. Perpetual model is the least expensive over time; subscription is the least expensive way to get started and is ideal for students. Nonprofit is designed for government agencies and other nonprofits. Choose the option that is best for you:

$249 Per Major Release
Perpetual For Education
$549 Per Major Release
Perpetual for Non Profit
$649 Per Major Release
Perpetual for Corporate

Perpetual Licensing

* Perpetual Licensing means:

Subscription Licensing means:

Non Profit Licensing means:

Corporate Licensing means:

Other ways to purchase

By Email with Purchase Order

Email salesteam@lodeStarLearning.com

By Mail with Purchase Order or Check

LodeStar Learning Corporation accepts direct orders for LodeStar in the form of institutional purchase orders or checks.

Submit the purchase order or check to the following address:

LodeStar Learning Corporation, 16270 110th Street North, Stillwater, MN, 55082

Our Blog

Our blog explores instructional design strategies and wrestles with online learning issues. The primary audience of the blog is composed of educators, but any student of instructional design and instructional technology might find it interesting.

Contact Us

If we are unavailable to take your call, please leave a detailed message. We will return your call within 1 business day.

our Address

LodeStar Learning Corporation
16270 110th Street North
Stillwater, MN 55082

Phone Number


Our Email


LodeStar Community

Join us in LinkedIn or on Facebook. Links are found at the bottom of this page.